The artistic self development adventure of Amit Dutta aka Monkeybread who, having chucked all caution to the wind, quit his job and only source of income for 3 months, embarks on a daring adventure full of travails, teachings and tantrums while striving towards the ultimate prize: becoming an Awesome Artist.

The Quest: To become an artist
The Deadline: 89 Days-ish
The Risk: Returns to job penniless and soul-destroyed with suckiness intact. Should be a laugh

Saturday 2 February 2013

Daily Draw February

Entry for Day 2 : Here Kitty Kitty...

Daily Draw February

The online art community and gallery website hosts a daily draw challenge for the month of February each year. Each day you have to post at least one drawing, sketch, illustration that you have been working on that day. I hadn't heard of it before but a friend challenged me take part and as I was planning to be drawing bucket loads every day anyway I figured I could easily jump in with no extra fuss.

A lot of people on the site view it as a challenge. As I have been drawing daily for over a year now since I became really serious about improving my skills, I do admit to a tad bit of smugness on how easy I think this will be for me. 

All artists, whatever section of the skill improvement trail they are hiking on, know well the importance of practice. If you are new to the whole idea of a practice regimen, these kind of things are great to get involved in so I urge you to check it out. The great thing about daily draw challenges like these is that they provide a social forum, some support and a bit of an ass-kicking as well to get in that practice. It's also always heartening and infectious to see the excitement of people doing what they love and some of whom maybe aren't as smug in their diligence as I am. 

I also coincidentally discovered a February Sketchbook Challenge Facebook page. Guess I'll post up in there too. 

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