The artistic self development adventure of Amit Dutta aka Monkeybread who, having chucked all caution to the wind, quit his job and only source of income for 3 months, embarks on a daring adventure full of travails, teachings and tantrums while striving towards the ultimate prize: becoming an Awesome Artist.

The Quest: To become an artist
The Deadline: 89 Days-ish
The Risk: Returns to job penniless and soul-destroyed with suckiness intact. Should be a laugh

Sunday 3 February 2013

Daily Draw Feb 3

The original mess of a 3 minute sketch. For a pretty bland static pose it had some elements of dynamism about it...well the flag anyway. 
For informal fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants type painting this rough gesture sketch is all I really need to start off what will become a finished painting..

An interim stage. The colour palette has been mostly worked out, and a bit of design work is now coming in to the character

And the final. Probably finished in single digit hours over the course of a day. The colour palette works but I think I went a little overboard with the contrasty lighting . I definitely prefer some of the softer elements of the material and design work on the jacket in the previous image. I thought I had lost some dynamism in the sketch somewhere along the way, but I actually think I improved the pose which was way hunch-y. It's still a bit stiff but that can be massaged away.

With things like this which aren't fully planned out there are often some small elements of the image I really like. For this one it's that little bit of red bounce light off the rug and maybe the general idea of the headpiece.  

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