The artistic self development adventure of Amit Dutta aka Monkeybread who, having chucked all caution to the wind, quit his job and only source of income for 3 months, embarks on a daring adventure full of travails, teachings and tantrums while striving towards the ultimate prize: becoming an Awesome Artist.

The Quest: To become an artist
The Deadline: 89 Days-ish
The Risk: Returns to job penniless and soul-destroyed with suckiness intact. Should be a laugh

Friday, 17 May 2013

100 days of doodles

I work an almost full time job (4 days a week), I commute 2.5 hours a day, I am working on a 20-something page comic book including the writing, scripting, drawing, inking and colouring,  I am also doing environment concept art for a video game and am signed up to an online environment course that runs for 8 weeks. Oh and I'm supposed to be renovating my house for sale in 3 months.   Last week I got  an average of 5 hours sleep each night...including the weekends. I know how unhealthy that is for me, but there just isn't enough time in the world.

So of course if that wasn't enough, this week I decided to take part in the 100 days project the motto of which is this: One thing. Every day. x100.  You can read more about it here:

I'm probably nuts, and it remains to be seen how I will pull off the juggling act but recently I've been doing quite a few daily sketches in a sort of "comic inking" style on my Galaxy Note 10.1 and I figure I can do it.  Incidentally this puppy has built-in wacom technology which means that it basically functions as a souped up digital sketchbook. It's awesome and it's so much better to actually be able to draw digitally on screen rather than off to the side like on a regular wacom.

I will post the link to my project page once I get started on June 7th but until then here are the last few days worth of sketches. By the end of the project, I should hopefully have about a 100 more of them!

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