The artistic self development adventure of Amit Dutta aka Monkeybread who, having chucked all caution to the wind, quit his job and only source of income for 3 months, embarks on a daring adventure full of travails, teachings and tantrums while striving towards the ultimate prize: becoming an Awesome Artist.

The Quest: To become an artist
The Deadline: 89 Days-ish
The Risk: Returns to job penniless and soul-destroyed with suckiness intact. Should be a laugh

Friday, 7 June 2013

Hundred Day Project: Day 001

The hundred day project officially started today (and boy did it creep up on me quickly) Despite some initial technical issues with their website they are all sorted and now there is no excuse to not get going. What will follow will be a hundred consecutive days of sketches. I've been wanting to practice my digital inking so this is what I'm going to do...for a hundred days in a row....if I can. 

Having done quite a few monthly daily sketch things I know how hard it actually can be to be that consistent, so the hundred days will be really pushing it. I'm gonna take up the challenge and do my best...and probably come up with a lot less than that for much of the time, which brings us to the lowly offerings for Day 001.
Sigh. Well at least I intend on getting better....look forward to that.

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